seek and you will find

Every since I read the books by Rhonda Byrne, I have been seeing inspiration everywhere.

It comes to me by different religions, quotes, spirituality, meditations.

I did grow up Catholic but I never read the bible. But yesterday I was on Rhonda Byrnes website and read the inspirational story that was featured.

The woman quoted a passage from the bible Matthew 7:7 and it really made sense to me.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

I can not wait to purchase Rhonda’s new book “The Hero” for more inspiration.

You can find out more about her books here.

I also like visuals and came across this one.


credit: Spirituallyspeaking

Please check out her spiritual site as well. spirituallythinking.blogspot



Today I did a meditation from the series called “Deepak Copra’s Secrets of Meditation.

During my meditation today, I felt a female figure embrace me and tell me everything was going to be OK and everything will be as it is supposed to be. When I started to question who this woman was, she started to disappear. I was trying to figure out if she was an angel or someone I once knew. She felt like a Motherly figure. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and comforted me.

This is the first time during meditation that I had a strong vision like this.

I am on day 15. It is The Power of Intention.

The purpose of this meditation was to bring myself closer to realizing my true self. Am I supposed to be focusing on being a Mom? I might have to do this meditation again to see what happens.

“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” ~Patanjali

Light shines through