Thank you is the magic word

Do you remember your parents asking you to say the magic word to get what you wanted as a child?

I can hear my Mom’s voice echoing in my head right now. “What’s the magic word?” And I would say “please” and then I would receive and reply with “Thank you”.

And of course, as being a mother now myself, I find myself saying the same thing to them!

Fairy Tale Magic

Fairy Tale Magic

I never actually contemplated where this came from. Who said that please and thank you were magical?

It makes sense now. I am reading a book called “The Magic” By Rhonda Byrne.

She writes this. Page 16.

“It’s a simple fact: when you’re not grateful you cannot receive more in return. You’ve stopped the magic from continuing in your life. When you’re not grateful you stop the flow of better health, better relationships, more joy, more money, and the advancement of your job, career, or business. To receive you have to give. It’s the law. Gratitude is giving thanks, and without it you cut yourself off from the magic and from receiving everything you want in life.”

Click below to find out more about this book.

“The Magic” By Rhonda Byrne

Today I thank every single one of you for reading my blog post today.

I hope it brought back some magic in your life.

Rhonda asks in the beginning of the book if we remember how magical life was as a child.                        We believed in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, etc.

make believe

Lucas the Pirate

We were fascinated by shiny rocks, dandelions, dewdrops on grass and clouds in the sky, wishing upon stars. We truly believed life was magical! We were happy. We believed.

Saying thank you everyday will bring back the magic you had as a child.

It makes you appreciate the little things in life and brings back the joy you might have once lost.

the little things

Magic in Nature

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy in living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.”

~Tecumseh (1768-1813) Shawnee Native American Leader

Today I choose to be happy and right there is where is will happen.

Thank you.

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